Das ist 1 gutes Tool

What keeps you inspired?

Hello, I’m wondering why more and more design studios are using coding for visual design?

It’s fun!

Hello guys! I am Edoardo Compiani, a multidisciplinary graphic designer, I live in Lugano but I would like to move to Lucerne for a few years. I have been following your works for some time and I highly value your approach to the job and your always fresh ideas! I am sending you my portfolio website here in case you are hiring a graphic designer or if you are looking for someone to collaborate with! I wish you the best, Edo.

What is the velocity of a swallow?

Roughly 11 meters per second

My name is Jordan Hackworth. I will be showcasing my senior exhibition this winter and was wondering if you had an email I could send a virtual invite to.

That means, you really didn’t find an e-mail address on our website?

Merci pour cette bouffée d’air visuelle que vous nous offrez messieurs dames

Is it me you’re lookin for?

Hi Studio Feixen – Ihr seid toll! Gibt es irgend eine Information, die auf einer (fiktiven) E-Publikation über euch unbedingt drauf sein müsste? (Ist eine Aufgabe im Studium…)

Lela, danke! Here you go: Unsere Lieblingspizza in unserer eigenen Pizzeria ist die Pizza Veneta.

Bester Kaffee in Luzern?

Sicherlich einer mit kolumbianischen Kaffeebohnen

Love you guys! Thanks for making the world look better.

Ich habe ein Jutenbeutel von euch auf instagram gesehen. Da steht Studio Feixen drauf und so bunte Formen, es war auf einer Werbung von Ace and Tate… jetzt wollte ich gerne fragen ob ihr die verkauft bzw noch habt? Wenn ja würde ich sie sehr gerne bestellen!

Hoi Mia! Wir haben leider auch keine. Am besten gehst du mal bei unserem Store von Ace & Tate in Zürich vorbei – vielleicht haben die noch welche.

Hi! I was wondering if you can share the entire poem that your mom created for your «Kulturmagazin» edition.




Sure, you can find it here.

Is a hotdog a sandwich?

cut my legs and call me shorty! this website made my year!

waaah quelle régalade visuelle <3

Hi mates! Amazing feature! How do you maintain it? Do you filter messages one by one, or you have an automated system in place to avoid bad content to be posted? Keep up the amazing work!

Hi there Feixen, fellow Swiss child here, currently finishing my BA in Graphic Design in Falmouth (look it up it’s beautiful) – Beyond in awe of your concept work and your studio culture. Feixen has helped me narrow down the; where, why, what, who and HOW all towards finding a healthy future studio job. So thank you. Any tips for a graphic designer and concept crazy girl, entering this post-covid employment world? Kindest, Sylvia

1. Hoi Sylvia
2. Nice to hear from you.
3. Falmouth looks really nice!
4. Merci vellmol! ❤️
5. Don’t concept too much.
6. Just do it.
7. Have fun.

Hello from Michigan!

Hello to Michigan!

hey! we are 4 visual communication students from TLV and we really love your works! we are doing a lecture about your studio next week and we’ll love to hear what’s your 3 most important tips for designers in the beginning of their way:) tnx!

1. Work
2. Work
3. Work

(This of course only works out if you like your work a lot. ✌️)

i miss my neighbor 🙂

I miss you too Luki ❤️!

cars amitgs. schon d’aditg buca viu enzatgei schi frestg! salids d’il grischun. thomas

Hi Felix, Arial or Helvetica?

Noi Grotesk 🙂

Hello Felix, students are currently looking at this nice page. Please come back to Bergen. Best, Magnus

Yodel-Hey Magnus! We would love to come back!

Hii, just a question:
If you were in a font family, what style would you be, and why?

I think that would be the «Studio Feixen Sans». Since we designed it.

Hi! Do you like video games?

Hallo ihr:)
Habe schon paar poster bei euch bestellt und soeben ist ein weiteres bei mir angekommen. Leider an den rämdern sehr zerknittert, was total schade ist:/ gibts eine möglichkeit, mir ein neues oder so zu schicken? Freu mich von euch zu hören. Viele grüsse livia

Klar, kein Problem. Ist schon auf dem Weg!

A friend told me that you try to create time to experiment away from the daily studio tasks. How do you do that and is there a set of rules?

Yes we actually do. But no, there are no rules for it. In order to come up with new ideas, you need freedom and we create this freedom and observe what happens.