We designed a backpack for the «Motif» event organized by Ucon Acorbatics. To be honest, we wouldn’t have the courage to carry this backpack ourselves, but maybe it’s something for you?
Colour vs. Contrast In 2014 Felix Pfäffli had two solo exhibitions at the same time in France. One in Chaumont and one in le Havre. In close cooperation with the organizers of the
Weltformat 2013 When Felix Pfäffli was asked to design a poster for Lucerne’s 2013 Weltformat Poster Festival, he says he grappled with the “strange duplication” of creating a poster to promote a
Vlow! Vlow! is a festival in the space between communication, design and architecture. It’s an international platform for education, encounter and networking. It deals with communication strategies in space and innovative